The reason Tom Cruise lost touch completely with David Beckham and Victoria Beckham

April 2024 ยท 2 minute read

There are stories in the National Inquirer that sound completely wild, but there is one about Tom Cruise and the Beckham family that doesn't sound so farfetched. When David and Victoria Beckham arrived in Los Angeles for him to play with the LA Galaxy, the biggest Hollywood movie stars received them with open arms. Between those celebrities were people like Will Smith or Tom Cruise. But the 'Mission Impossible' actor hasn't spoken to them in years and nobody knew why this happened. According to this story from the Inquirer, there is a reason behind Tom Cruise completely ghosting the Beckhams. They were truly inseparable when they first arrived in 2007 but something happened along the way that made them part ways.

Friends and family at the premiere of the Netflix documentary 'Beckham'Roberto Ortega

Tom Cruise and Scientology didn't work for the Beckhams

According to a secret source that spoke to the Inquirer, Tom Cruise decided to make the Beckham family part of his Scientology religion. They refused his proposal and offended Tom Cruise in the process. After being rejected like this, Cruise cut all ties to David and Victoria Beckham. He also reportedly invited some of the biggest names in his religion to a party that the Beckhams completely ignored. Due to this reaction, Tom Cruise reportedly feels extremely hurt and has absolutely no intention of being friends again with the couple. A short while ago, David and Victoria attempted to make contact with him but Tom ignored them.

Tom Cruise feels he wanted to give the Beckhams the keys to the kingdom and they refused him. Initially, there was a feeling something different happened but Tom Cruise attempted to make them become Scientologists and they obviously refused. In recent years, the actor has become more separated from his relogion because his daughter has made it clear she doesn't want him to be a part of that. could this recent decision to stay away from Scientology be a new opportunity for Cruise and the Beckhams to repair their lost friendship? That may explain their recent sightings together at Wimbledon or the European Cup finals.
