Yungblud creates a shirt to help raise funds for the South Yorkshire Community Foundation Flood Appe

April 2024 · 1 minute read

Yungblud has created a shirt to help raise funds for the South Yorkshire Community Foundation as part of the South Yorkshire Flood Appeal.

100% of proceeds will go to help those affected by the recent floods in the area. It will help them over Christmas, In the video announcing the sale of the shirt, he explained that he wanted to show his hometown of Doncaster some love, as most media had stopped reporting about the floods soon after they happened.

The South Yorkshire Community Fund launched the emergency appeal in response to the widespread flooding that has affected much of South Yorkshire. Donations to the appeal are going to support families and local people who have been displaced from their homes and had their properties damaged by the floodwaters. So far they have raised over £500,000 and now with Yungbluds T’shirt are set to raise even more which means they can help and support as many people as possible.

You can buy Yungblud’s Tshirt here!
